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Music Bingo
Sunday July 28th Join us for Music Bingo! It's just like regular bingo but uses songs and music to mark up your...
Rev. Joey Klinger
Redemption Craft Night
Craft Night Fundraiser - Thursday June 20th at 6 p.m. - Join us as we learn to make a festive summer door hanger....
Rev. Joey Klinger
LGBT Clobber Passges
LGBTQ Clobber Passages - Join us starting Sunday June 16th as we delve into some of the passages in the bible that...
Rev. Joey Klinger
SAGES Movie Afternoon
Join us for a SAGES movie Thursday June 6th as we gather to watch the Netflix comedy special Nanette featuring...
Rev. Joey Klinger
Save the Date Vacation Bible School
Due to low enrollment we will be offering one night of VBS on Monday July 8th from 6 to 8 p.m. If you would like...
Honoring Miss Maria and Miss Sandy
Join us Sunday May 19th at 10 a.m. as we bid farewell and godspeed to two of our amazing Nursery School Teachers....
Rev. Joey Klinger
Save the Date Congregational Meeting
Join us Sunday June 2nd after worship for our annual congregaitonal meeting where we will elect new coucnil...
Rev. Joey Klinger
Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting
We are going to try and put on a VBS this year! We have the supplies but we need the volunteers, so join us for...
Rev. Joey Klinger
Love, Loss, and What I Wore
Join us for a free production of the hilarious and fabulous play "Love, Loss and What I Wore." This funny and...
Rev. Joey Klinger
Reexamining the Basics
Join us after worship starting Sunday April 14th as our Seminarian Allison leads us through some of the Luthearn...
Rev. Joey Klinger